Monday, October 20, 2008

grooming pics

kiki &bobo

That is kiki, the one with the ah go-go hairstyle and bobo the poodle cross. Her makeover shots is in the past grooming pics. kiki is the proud one whereas bobo is super friendly. i really like to groom cross breed because there is no standard breed cut and that leave me to do creative styles for them if the owners permit. kiki really hates her photo taken so i took a video to show you guys how much she dislike it. she is so hilarious,lah!
My DEAR hubby is fixing my video problem soon so hang on there.

1 comment:

windy bunabibie said...

cute dogs, once i have one..i don't know exactly the ras, but she never get grown name is bonnie and it's a girl..she's shy dog i ever knew, she never want to get out..
she's dead 5 years ago coz cancer.